Two speech bubbles with the words hello and hola.
HGIAgency es una agencia de seguros líder dedicada a satisfacer las necesidades de la comunidad de habla hispana en Greater New Orleans, Louisiana. Con un compromiso con la excelencia, HGIAgency se asegura de emplear solo el mejor talento de la industria para atender a sus clientes.

Ida y Elias, miembros dedicados del personal de HGIAgency, han estado sirviendo a la comunidad hispana en Greater New Orleans durante más de 20 años. Su amplia experiencia y profundo entendimiento de las necesidades y desafíos únicos que enfrenta la población de habla hispana los convierten en un recurso invaluable para la agencia y la comunidad.

HGIAgency ofrece una amplia gama de productos de seguros adaptados a los requisitos específicos de la comunidad de habla hispana. Su línea de productos incluye:

  • Seguro de Auto: HGIAgency ofrece cobertura de seguro de auto para proteger los vehículos de los trabajadores de clase trabajadora en la comunidad de habla hispana. Esta cobertura asegura que estén protegidos contra posibles accidentes, robos o daños a sus vehículos.

  • Seguro de Hogar: HGIAgency ofrece seguro de hogar para proteger las viviendas de individuos y familias en la comunidad de habla hispana. Esta cobertura brinda protección contra riesgos como incendios, robos, desastres naturales y reclamos de responsabilidad.

  • Seguro de Inquilinos: HGIAgency comprende que muchas personas y familias en la comunidad de habla hispana alquilan sus hogares. Ofrecen seguro de inquilinos, que cubre pertenencias personales, responsabilidad y gastos adicionales de vivienda en caso de eventos imprevistos como robos, incendios o daños por agua.

  • Seguro de Vida: HGIAgency reconoce la importancia de proteger a los seres queridos en caso de una pérdida inesperada. Ofrecen pólizas de seguro de vida que brindan seguridad financiera y tranquilidad a las familias de personas trabajadoras en la comunidad de habla hispana.

  • Seguro Comercial: HGIAgency también atiende las necesidades de seguros de negocios dentro de la comunidad de habla hispana. Ofrecen cobertura de seguro comercial, incluyendo responsabilidad civil general, propiedad, compensación laboral y seguro de interrupción de negocios, adaptado a los requisitos específicos de diferentes industrias.

HGIAgency se enorgullece de servir a la comunidad de habla hispana y reconoce el papel vital desempeñado por los trabajadores de clase trabajadora. Se esfuerzan por brindar un servicio personalizado, asegurándose de que sus clientes comprendan completamente sus opciones de seguro y tengan la cobertura adecuada para proteger sus activos y seres queridos.

Información de contacto de HGIAgency:

Teléfono: 504-353-1533 Dirección: 1023 Williams Blvd, Kenner, LA 70062

Con su compromiso con la excelencia, personal experimentado como Ida y una amplia gama de productos de seguros, HGIAgency se dedica a servir a la comunidad de habla hispana en Greater New Orleans con el máximo orgullo y dedicación.

Email [email protected] o [email protected] para explorar nuestras opciones de seguro comercial. (504) 353-1533.

A man with glasses sitting in front of a wall.
Elias - [email protected] - (504) 353-1533

Meet Our HGIA Spanish Speaking Specialists

HGIAgency is a leading insurance agency that is dedicated to meeting the needs of the Spanish-speaking community in Greater New Orleans, Louisiana. With a commitment to excellence, HGIAgency ensures that it employs only the best talent in the industry to serve its customers.

Ida and Elias, are dedicated staff members at HGIAgency, has been serving the Spanish community in Greater New Orleans for over 20+ years. Her extensive experience and deep understanding of the unique needs and challenges faced by the Spanish-speaking population make her an invaluable asset to the agency and the community.

HGIAgency offers a comprehensive range of insurance products tailored to the specific requirements of the Spanish-speaking community. Their product line includes:

  1. Auto Insurance: HGIAgency provides auto insurance coverage to protect vehicles owned by hard-working blue-collar workers in the Spanish-speaking community. This coverage ensures that they are protected against potential accidents, theft, or damage to their vehicles.

  2. Homeowners Insurance: HGIAgency offers homeowners insurance to safeguard the homes of individuals and families in the Spanish-speaking community. This coverage provides protection against risks such as fire, theft, natural disasters, and liability claims.

  3. Renters Insurance: HGIAgency understands that many individuals and families in the Spanish-speaking community rent their homes. They offer renters insurance, which covers personal belongings, liability, and additional living expenses in case of unforeseen events like theft, fire, or water damage.

  4. Life Insurance: HGIAgency recognizes the importance of protecting loved ones in the event of an unexpected loss. They provide life insurance policies that offer financial security and peace of mind to the families of hard-working individuals in the Spanish-speaking community.

  5. Commercial Insurance: HGIAgency also caters to the insurance needs of businesses within the Spanish-speaking community. They offer commercial insurance coverage, including general liability, property, workers’ compensation, and business interruption insurance, tailored to the specific requirements of different industries.

HGIAgency takes great pride in serving the Spanish-speaking community and recognizes the vital role played by hard-working blue-collar workers. They strive to provide personalized service, ensuring that their customers fully understand their insurance options and have the right coverage to protect their assets and loved ones.

Contact information for HGIAgency:

With their commitment to excellence, experienced staff like Ida, and a comprehensive range of insurance products, HGIAgency is dedicated to serving the Spanish-speaking community in Greater New Orleans with the utmost pride and dedication.



[email protected] or  [email protected] to explore our business insurance options. (504) 353-1533
A woman with glasses and a striped shirt.
Ida - [email protected] - (504) 353-1533

At Harris General Insurance Agency, we take pride in our team of Bilingual Speaking Insurance Staff members who bring a wealth of expertise and understanding to our clients. With a deep understanding of both English and Spanish languages, our bilingual staff members ensure effective communication and cater to the diverse needs of our clients. When it comes to selecting insurance, working with individuals like them creates a better fit and a stronger sense of trust. Our bilingual staff members not only provide personalized guidance but also bridge any language barriers, making the insurance process smoother and more accessible. They possess in-depth knowledge of insurance terminology, both in English and Spanish, ensuring clear and accurate explanations of policy details. By working with people you know and trust, you can have confidence that your insurance decisions are informed and aligned with your unique requirements. When you choose Harris General Insurance Agency, our bilingual staff members will go the extra mile to provide exceptional service, building long-lasting relationships based on trust and understanding.

A logo for the harris general insurance agency.

Get the best insurance protection to keep you safe

Harris General Insurance Agency Bilingual Speaking Insurance Staff members offer unique advantages. With fluency in both English and Spanish, they provide effective and seamless communication, ensuring clear understanding of insurance policies and options. Beyond language proficiency, our staff members bring a deep cultural understanding that allows them to connect with clients on a personal level. This understanding helps them tailor insurance solutions that consider individual preferences and unique circumstances. Additionally, our bilingual staff members stay updated on industry regulations and trends, enabling them to provide accurate and relevant information to our clients. They are knowledgeable in insurance products, claims processes, and coverage options, and are dedicated to providing prompt and reliable support. By working with our Bilingual Speaking Insurance Staff, you can feel confident that you are selecting insurance from people who understand your needs and will guide you through the process with expertise and care.

A house with a garage door and a blue sky
A white and orange trailer parked next to a tree.
Two men in a car with trees in the background